In an interactive proof, I'm trying to extract an expression into a new variable while capturing the equality as a new proof term.

The remember tactic seems designed for this purpose. Since I like giving explicit names to introduced names, I'd prefer to use this variant:

  1. remember term as ident eqn:ident

This behaves as remember term as ident, except that the name of the generated equality is also given.

However when I attempt it (or the other remember variants), I only get this error:

> remember (prefix ++ suffix) as the_environment eqn:H_prefix_suffix.
>                                                ^^^
Syntax error: 'in' '|-' expected after [prim:ident] (in [tactic:simple_tactic]).

Heeding the error message, the only variant that actually seems to work is

remember (prefix ++ suffix) as the_environment in |-.

...which unfortunately doesn't let me choose the name of the introduced proof of equality.

Why don't the documented remember variants seem to work?

I'm using coq 8.4pl6.

1 Answer 1


I shot myself in the foot.

I had previously declared a tactic with that syntax:

Tactic Notation "remember" constr(c) "as" ident(x) "in" "|-" :=
  let x := fresh x in
  let H := fresh "Heq" x in
  (set (x := c); assert (H : x = c) by reflexivity; clearbody x).

It seems this explicit definition masks the built-in variants. Removing this definition makes the others visible again.

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