I am upgrading my extjs 4.2 app to extjs 5.1 .

In ExtJs 4.2, I have code for creating dynamic module, but

in ExtJs 5.1 Ext.ModelManager.getModel has been deprecated and as per ExtJs 5.1 docs it saying use Ext.data.schema.Schema instead.

I try using Ext.data.schema.Schema.lookupEntity("DynamicModel"), but it throws error saying

[E] Ext.data.schema.Schema.lookupEntity(): No such Entity "DynamicModel".

How can I get any model object in ExtJs 5 ?

How can I achieve replacement for getModel() method in extjs 5.1 , Please find my code bellow,

if (!Ext.ModelManager.getModel('DynamicModel')){
    Ext.define('DynamicModel', {
       extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
       idProperty : uniqueIdProperty,
       fields: fields
} else {

2 Answers 2


If you want to check that your model has already been created then you can use isCreated of Ext.ClassManager


If it returns true then you can do


Using Schema: Fiddle

if(!Ext.data.schema.Schema.instances.default.hasEntity('MyModel')){ // a default schema instance is created by default
            Ext.define('MyApp.models.MyModel', {
               extend: 'MyApp.models.Base',
               fields: [{name: 'field'}]  
        } else {
            Ext.data.schema.Schema.instances.default.getEntity('MyModel');// returns the constructor MyApp.models.MyModel()

If you run into issues with the above syntax, as I did, because 'default' is a reserved word, you can use the following syntax:

if (!Ext.data.schema.Schema.instances['default'].getEntity('MyModel')) {

IDK why Sencha is using reserved words for properties, but...oh well...


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