When I add this in .htaccess

php_value session.cookie_secure 1

the $_SESSION['online'] = session_id() was changed every page refresh?

  • can you include a little more of your code?
    – John Smith
    May 30, 2015 at 2:25
  • <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['online'])) $_SESSION['online'] = session_id(); ?> It works good. But when add php_value session.cookie_secure 1 to .htaccess, it not working. May 30, 2015 at 2:27

1 Answer 1


session.cookie_secure specifies that the session cookie can only be sent over a secure connection, i.e. HTTPS:

session.cookie_secure specifies whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections.

That means, if you are not using HTTPS, your session won't work.

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