I have a preg match statement, and it checks for matches, but I was wondering how you can count the matches. Any advice appreciated.

$message='[tag] [tag]';

for example a count of this message string should lead to 2 matches

5 Answers 5

$message='[tag] [tag]';
echo preg_match_all('/\\[tag\\](?>\\s|$)/i', $message, $matches);

gives 2. Note you cannot use \b because the word boundary is before the ], not after.

See preg_match_all.

  • 1
    Yeah you were right, I have to brush up on my regex skills. Thanks Art, appreciate the example.
    – Scarface
    Jun 17, 2010 at 17:49
  • 2
    \b could be used, it would just affect what is matched (i.e. the [tag] would need to be followed by a word character).
    – salathe
    Jun 17, 2010 at 17:59

preg_match already returns the number of times the pattern matched.

However, this will only be 0 or 1 as it stops after the first match. You can use preg_match_all instead as it will check the entire string and return the total number of matches.

  • Point for explaining the difference between the two functions. May 25, 2018 at 15:34

You should use preg_match_all if you want to match all occurences. preg_match_all returns number of matches. preg_match returns only 0 or 1, because it matches only once.


I think you need preg_match_all. It returns the number of matches it finds. preg_match stops after the first one.

  • yeah thats what the other guys recommended. Thanks Manos.
    – Scarface
    Jun 17, 2010 at 17:49

You could use T-Regx library with count() method (and even automatic delimiters):

$count = pattern('\[tag]\b', 'i')->match('[tag] [tag]')->count();

$count // 2

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