I'm querying an SQL Server database using SQLAlchemy and need to cast a column to varbinary(max). The thing I am struggling with is the "max" part. I can get the cast to work for any actual number (say varbinary(20)), but I cannot find how to get it to work for the "max" size of the varbinary column.

Any pointers? Links? Solutions?

Regards, Mark

  • I don't have any experience working with SQLAlchemy, but according to this page the length parameter is optional and defaults to None. Could it be that None represents "MAX"? Jun 18, 2010 at 8:35
  • unfortunately not. That just produces a CAST(x as VARBINARY) that then causes a "The column would be truncated" error.
    – Mark Hall
    Jun 18, 2010 at 8:53

3 Answers 3


I hope you've all noticed we have virtually this exact recipe in the main documentation for custom compilation, without any monkeypatching, here:


@compiles(String, 'mssql')
@compiles(VARCHAR, 'mssql')
def compile_varchar(element, compiler, **kw):
    if element.length == 'max':
        return "VARCHAR('max')"
        return compiler.visit_VARCHAR(element, **kw)

foo = Table('foo', metadata,
    Column('data', VARCHAR('max'))
  • @Mike: Strange, but haven't seen this one before. Would this be the best way to handle db-migration where the type(s) are missing in the target DB: say, migrating BIT from mssql to sqlite?
    – van
    Jun 21, 2010 at 16:56
  • A very nice solution. I'll have to look into the compiler extension a bit more.
    – Mark Hall
    Jun 22, 2010 at 10:57
  • I don't think we have BIT as a base type, it would be easiest just to subclass UserDefinedType: sqlalchemy.org/docs/reference/sqlalchemy/…
    – zzzeek
    Jun 23, 2010 at 21:52

SQLAlchemy does not support this out of the box (create a feature request on sqlalchemy trac).

In order to make it work for you, hack it: add the following method to the MSTypeCompiler class in sqlalchemy\dialects\mssql\base.py:

def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_):
    if type_.length == 'MAX':
        return "VARBINARY(MAX)"
        return "VARBINARY(%d)" % type_.length

and then use the query with the MSVarBinary type:

from sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql.base import MSVarBinary
q = ... cast(mytable.c.mycolumn, MSVarBinary('MAX')) ...

The sqlalchemy team resolved this issue based on this thread (Power of community!). You can find it here Large Text/Binary Type Deprecation

To use VARBINARY(max) use LargetBinary as datatype, and set the flag deprecate_large_types=True

From the site; create an engine with the flag deprecate_large_types=True:

eng = create_engine("mssql+pymssql://user:pass@host/db",deprecate_large_types=True)

When this flag is True, the UnicodeText, Text and LargeBinary datatypes, when used to render DDL, will render the types NVARCHAR(max), VARCHAR(max), and VARBINARY(max), respectively. This is a new behavior as of the addition of this flag.

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