on SQL Server.

I am importing a table that looks like this:

ForeignID || Detail 
ID1       || detail1
ID1       || detail2
ID1       || detail3
ID2       || detail1
ID3       || detail1
ID3       || detail2

Into a new table that looks like this:

ForeignID  || ItemNo   || Detail
ID1        || 1        || detail1
ID1        || 2        || detail2
ID1        || 3        || detail3
ID2        || 1        || detail1
ID3        || 1        || detail1
ID3        || 2        || detail2

How do I automatically generate the "ItemNo" column values? They should be an auto-incrementing integer that get resets whenever ForeignID changes. ForeignID and ItemNo will act as Composite Primary Key for the new table.

It'll be great to be able to do this during the INSERT INTO - SELECT process. Otherwise, a separate query would work as well.

2 Answers 2


This is an easy task for ROW_NUMBER:

insert into target
   over (partition by ForeignID order by Detail) 
from source

You can do it using row number, something like this:

insert into ... 
    row_number() over (partition by ForeignID order by Detail) as RowNum
order by

The rownum will start numbering every time ForeignID changes

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