I have an asp.net web application that emit logs via log4net. I need to get the log messages over to Google Cloud Logging. What is the best way to do this?

Based on fluentd documentation and Google Cloud documentation, the best I can come up with now is:

  1. On the Windows machine where the web app is runnning, have log4net log to local files.
  2. On the same machine, run nxlog and have it ship the log files to a Linux machine.
  3. Have google-fluentd, running on the Linux machine, transmit the logs to Google Cloud Logging API.

1 Answer 1


An easier solution path than the one I started with is to use the Google Cloud Logging API Client Library for .NET.

Currently at v1 beta 3 it's based on the Google Cloud Logging API and has a nuget package.

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