I am trying to extract Twitter hashtags from text using regex in R, using str_match_all from the "stringr" package.

The problem is that sometimes the hashtag gets truncated, with a horizontal ellipsis character appended to the end of the text string, as shown in this example:

str_match_all("hello #goodbye #au…","#[[:alnum:]_+]*[^…]")[[1]]

I can successfully extract a list of hashtags, using the above code, but I want to exclude hashtags that are truncated (i.e. that have a horizontal ellipsis character).

This is frustrating as I have looked everywhere for a solution, and the above code is the best I can come up with, but clearly does not work.

Any help is deeply appreciated.

  • @Pascal My apologies - it is the "stringr" package Jun 11, 2015 at 8:21
  • @stribizhev I am getting both substrings as in the OP's output
    – akrun
    Jun 11, 2015 at 8:42

1 Answer 1


I suggest using regmatches with regexpr and the #[^#]+(?!…)\\b Perl-style regex:

x <- "#hashtag1 notHashtag #hashtag2 notHashtag #has…"
m <- gregexpr('#[^#\\s]+(?!…)\\b', x, perl=T)
// or m <- gregexpr('#\\w+(?!…)\\b', x, perl=T)
// or m <- gregexpr('#\\S+(?!…)\\b', x, perl=T)
regmatches(x, m)

See demo on CodingGround

The regex means:

  • # - Literal #
  • [^#]+ - 1 or more characters other then # (or \\w+ to match alphanumerics and underscore only, or \\S+ that will match any number of non-whitespace characters)
  • (?!…)\\b - Match a word boundary that is not preceded by a

Result of the above code execution: [1] "#goodbye"

  • Hi @stribizhev, thanks, this is on the right track. However, when I try this: x <- "#hashtag1 notHashtag #hashtag2 notHashtag #has…" regmatches(x, regexpr('#[^#]+(?!…)\\b', x, perl=T)) It gives the following output: [1] "#hashtag1 notHashtag" I want to match these two words: "#hashtag1" and "#hashtag2". However, it is not achieving this. Jun 11, 2015 at 12:41
  • 1
    I have edited the answer. We need to either use a more precise negated character class [^#\\s], or switch to \\w that only allows [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Or maybe even allow anything but a whitespace: #\\S+(?!…)\\b. Jun 11, 2015 at 12:48
  • Thank you! I can confirm the answer works perfectly, and provides several options for fine-tuning, so I am highly appreciative. Many thanks. Jun 11, 2015 at 13:11

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