var metricUnits = function(num) {



// This works, gives me 21

// But this fails, gives me 5

When I invoke this function, 21 is logged to the console. However, when I add one or more zeros to the end of my input argument, 5 is printed to the console?! Why is this?

  • 3
    Try printing num.toString(). It should make things clearer :)
    – psmears
    Jun 17, 2015 at 12:46
  • 1
    The output of toString with one more zero is 9e+21 which has a length of 5 Jun 17, 2015 at 12:48

2 Answers 2


If you logged the result to the console it would be obvious. Above a certain limit, numbers are represented by scientific notation (when asking for their string representation). In your second case, 9e+21 - 5 characters

Details of the limit can be found in this question.


When the number is too big, it ends up looking like: 9e+21

So, when you do .toString().length, it will return 5.

An alternative way to count the number of digits to avoid the problem is:

var metricUnits = function(num) {
  log(Math.floor(Math.log10(num)) + 1);

log("900000000000000000000 =>");
metricUnits(900000000000000000000);  // 21
log("9000000000000000000000 =>");
metricUnits(9000000000000000000000); // 22

function log(msg) {
    "<pre>" + msg + "</pre>"


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