The output of a typical ping command is -

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 1 received, 50% packet loss, time 1008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.288/0.288/0.288/0.000 ms

I want to display only "50% packet loss" portion on a terminal window when I run the ping command in a shell script. How should I proceed for it ?

  • 2
    ping -c 2 -q remotehost | sed -n 's/.*received, \([0-9]*%[^,]*\).*/\1/p' will work but subject to the format of the ping output.
    – alvits
    Jun 18, 2015 at 22:55

2 Answers 2


Using grep

-o tells grep to print only the matching portion:

ping -c2 -q targethost | grep -o '[^ ]\+% packet loss'

Using awk

If the output of ping is viewed as comma-separated fields, then, as shown in your sample output, the packet loss info is in the third field. This allows us to use awk as follows:

ping -c2 -q targethost | awk -F, '/packet loss/{print $3;}'

Using grep:

ping -c10 -f -q localhost | grep -E -o '[^[:space:]]+ packet loss'

Using awk:

ping -c10 -f -q localhost | awk -F', ' '/packet loss/ { print $3 }'

grep -o isn't posix, while the awk solution depends on the output format.

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