I'm stuck with this linq query.

I've this tables.

ID  A   B   C  D
1   some data 
2   some other data

Then, For every record on that table I may have none or many rows

ID  TableA_ID R
1   1         1
2   1         2
3   1         5
4   2         2

For example. Row 1 (some data) has 3 rows on table B.

I tried using

tableA.Include(x => x.tablebchilds.Where( d => d.R == 1)).ToList() 

but it is not working. With many others varation.

The objective of this query is to return tableA.row #1 if I pass it 1 as value (value of R). Number <> 2 won't give any result.

Tables are linked on EF. So TableB.tableA_ID is Foreign key of tableA.ID

Edit #1

I tried the answers in the question marked as duplicated with no luck. Give that 2 tableA.rows if the user insert 1 as parameter, linq query should return Row #1, some data. If 2 is passed as parameter, nothing is return.

A working SQL statement is:

SELECT [TableA].* FROM [TableA] JOIN [TableB] ON [TableA].[Id] = [TableB].[TableA_Id] WHERE [TableB].[R] = 1


  • @Gert Arnold: I don't think it's a duplicate, because I think Engerlost is asking something else, though admittedly, it's not very clear.
    – jjj
    Jun 19, 2015 at 17:32
  • 1
    @jjj Maybe. The point is that Include with Where isn't possible (sadly enough). This is being asked over and over again. There is a work-around which I describe in the duplicate. If the OP tries to achieve something else, yes it should be clarified. Jun 19, 2015 at 17:58
  • @GertArnold The query on that answer won't work in my case. I know that Include with where is not possible. I'll edit my question to clarify that. Thanks!
    – Esselans
    Jun 19, 2015 at 18:20
  • Sorry, I still can't quite follow what you're after. It looks like an Any query. Probably it helps to show working code and/or sample data (input and output). Also show where you've got navigation properties (like A.B). These invariably make life a lot easier. I'll reopen anyway, because it doesn't seem to be a duplicate, but it's liable to go down as "unclear what you're asking". Jun 19, 2015 at 18:34
  • @GertArnold thanks Gert. I leave some data on Marc's answer. To sum it up: The SQL statement works OK. I'm trying to do that in linq ef. Much appreciated
    – Esselans
    Jun 19, 2015 at 19:07

1 Answer 1


If you have database relationship properly configured this have to work.

tableA.Include(x => x.tableBChilds).Where(tableA => tableA.tableBChilds.Any(b => b.R== 1)).ToList();
  • It doesn't work or I'm missing something. I edited my question with a working SQL statement.
    – Esselans
    Jun 19, 2015 at 18:27
  • What happens? Exception message?
    – Marc Cals
    Jun 19, 2015 at 18:32
  • When you say ´tableA.ID == 1´ 1 should be the R value not tableA.ID. I need whatever ´tableA´ rows have 1 in ´ tableB´. Thanks!
    – Esselans
    Jun 19, 2015 at 19:05
  • Don't you say that R value is the foreing key of TableA.ID in your answer? If this it's true filtering tableA.ID == 1 you are selecting tableA row with TableBChild.R == 1
    – Marc Cals
    Jun 19, 2015 at 19:09
  • Sorry. I made a typo there. TableB has a FK to TableA and the R value. If 1 is the param it should return tableA.row#1. In case of 2, both rows are returned. (I edited the original question with the new data) Thanks
    – Esselans
    Jun 21, 2015 at 2:12

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