I need a store to gather data from a URL, but the URL needs a POST of JSON data in order to create the correct response (in this example, a set of disclaimer questions the user must answer, based on the products in his shopping cart.)

Here's what I have so far. I want to send the cart and get the question set in response:

QuestionStore: {
            autoLoad: false,
            model: 'RefCig.model.Question',
            proxy: {
                type: 'ajax',
                url: '/refcig-services/questionsForCart',
                actionMethods: {
                    create: 'POST',
                    read: 'POST',
                    update: 'POST',
                    destroy: 'POST'
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
                reader: {
                    type: 'json'
                writer: {
                    type: 'json'

On submit:

var cartStore = Ext.getStore('CartStore');
cartItems = Ext.Array.pluck(cartStore.data.items, 'data');
var questionStore = this.getStore('QuestionStore');

A console.log of Ext.encode(cartItems) is exactly what I want to send to the backend:

    "id": 19,
    "pricePerUnit": 20,
    "denominationsPerUnit": 1,

    "blahblahblah": 1, 

    "unitQuantity": 1,
    "total_item_count": null,
    "subtotal": 20

Yet the request is malformed:

    "0": {
        "id": 19,
        "pricePerUnit": 20,
        "denominationsPerUnit": 1,

        "unitQuantity": 1,
        "total_item_count": null,
        "subtotal": 20
    "page": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "limit": 25

How should I be telling my QuestionStore to form its request body the way I want?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Technically your requirement can be met by using a custom proxy. You implement your own buildRequest method in there, which is a stripped down version of the original one:

Ext.define('MyProxy', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.proxy.Ajax',
    alias: 'proxy.my',
    paramsAsJson: true,
    buildRequest: function(operation) {
        var me = this,
            params = operation.getParams(),
            request, operationId, idParam;
        operationId = operation.getId();
        idParam = me.getIdParam();
        if (operationId !== undefined && params[idParam] === undefined) {
            params[idParam] = operationId;
        request = new Ext.data.Request({
            params: params,
            action: operation.getAction(),
            records: operation.getRecords(),
            url: operation.getUrl(),
            operation: operation,
            proxy: me
        return request;

Then, in the store definition, you simply use the proxy:

proxy: {
    type: 'my',
    // .....

However, I would recommend another way.

Do something like:

questionStore.load({params: {cartItems: cartItems}});

instead of


That will make the request body look like this:

    "cartItems": [{
        "id": 19,
        "pricePerUnit": 20,
        "denominationsPerUnit": 1,
        "blahblahblah": 1, 
        "unitQuantity": 1,
        "total_item_count": null,
        "subtotal": 20
    "page": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "limit": 25

You would need to adjust your server side to retrieve the cartItems array from the payload.

  • I ended up using a regular Ajax call and populating a Store with a memory proxy via setData. But your explanation of making a custom proxy is the best I've seen and the load idea is good too.
    – fivedogit
    Jun 27, 2015 at 11:30

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