I'm trying out Tornado's GoogleOAuth2Mixin with the example code shown in the documentation. According to the docs, the function get_authenticated_user "Handles the login for the Google user, returning a user object." (emphasis mine), but the object I receive is a dictionary like so:

    u'access_token': u'...',
    u'expires_in': 3600,
    u'id_token': u'...',
    u'token_type': u'Bearer'

While this is helpful, and I know how to make another HTTP request with the access token to retrieve information about authenticating user, it seems like a bit of a stretch of the imagination to call this dictionary a "user object".

Is this really what I'm supposed to expect, and I'm now meant to go and get the user data myself with another request, or is something going wrong?

1 Answer 1


This function has never worked as documented, although now that it has existed so long in its current form the documentation, and not the code, will have to change. GoogleOAuth2Mixin.get_authenticated_user returns only the authentication data and you'll have to make a separate request for further details.

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