I'm having trouble getting Cake to join on the correct foreign keys. Below is the current SQL that Cake produces.

    "AirtimeShowInstance"."id" AS "AirtimeShowInstance__id",
    "AirtimeShowInstance"."starts" AS "AirtimeShowInstance__starts",
    "AirtimeShowInstance"."ends" AS "AirtimeShowInstance__ends",
    "AirtimeShowInstance"."show_id" AS "AirtimeShowInstance__show_id",
    "AirtimeShow"."id" AS "AirtimeShow__id",
    "public"."cc_show_instances" AS "AirtimeShowInstance" 
    "public"."cc_show" AS "AirtimeShow" 
        ON (
            "AirtimeShow"."id" = "AirtimeShowInstance"."id"
    1 = 1 
    "AirtimeShowInstance"."starts" DESC

If I change the join parameter manually from ("AirtimeShow"."id" = "AirtimeShowInstance"."id") to ("AirtimeShow"."id" = "AirtimeShowInstance"."show_id") it works fantastically!

What's wrong with my Models? :(


class AirtimeShowInstance extends AppModel {

    public $useTable = 'cc_show_instances';

    public $hasOne = array('AirtimeShow' => array(
        'className' => 'AirtimeShow',
        'foreignKey' => 'id'



class AirtimeShow extends AppModel {

    public $useTable = 'cc_show';

    public $hasMany = array('AirtimeShowInstance' => array(
        'className' => 'AirtimeShowInstance',
        'foreignKey' => 'show_id'


1 Answer 1


First things first, you are using the wrong assocciation type, you must use a belongsTo one instead of a hasOne.

And the name of the foreign key for the belongsTo association config must be show_id too, id is not a foreign key, it's the reference in the other model/table.

See also

  • Thanks NDM. I'd tried that solution already - However Cake reports that that the column doesn't exist (because it doesn't!) Error: SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column AirtimeShow.show_id does not exist LINE 1: ...LEFT JOIN "public"."cc_show" AS "AirtimeShow" ON ("AirtimeSh... ^ Jul 2, 2015 at 20:22
  • @ScottRobinson It's a little late, I didn't payed enough attention. Actually you should use a belongsTo association, as the docs state, in a hasOne association the other model has the foreign key.
    – ndm
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:54

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