Let's say I have the following enum type:

public enum Country {
    // ... and all other countries

Now I would to create a subset of this enum, conceptually like:

public enum EuropeanUnion constraints Country {
    // ... and all other countries within the European Union

public enum LandlockedCountries constraints Country {
    // ... all landlocked countries

I'd like to create subsets of an enum type so that I can write methods such as

Set<Person> getNationalMembersOfEuropeanParliament(EuropeanUnion euCountry);

Using the subtype EuropeanUnion for parameter euCountry protects the API user from accidentally passing in an invalid country, e.g. the non-EU JAPAN.

Are there any ways of "constraining" the range of valid enum values so that one can benefit from the static type system?

  • You have to start with the subset as a base enum and then inherit from it and add to it in a derived enum.
    – bmargulies
    Jul 2, 2015 at 19:57
  • Short answer: no, Java's type system won't let you do this. Jul 2, 2015 at 19:57
  • Since this is not allowe, an alternative would be to use flags on the Country enum like isEU, isLandLocked.
    – 6ton
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:00
  • If one country cannot be in many subsets you could theoretically make Country an interface and extend it with multiple enums.. And then declare all of them as constants. But practically the answer is no.
    – Bubletan
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:03
  • Java's enums won't allow you to do this - plain old objects would be just fine, not all of your compile time constants need to be inside of enums.
    – Alan
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:06

3 Answers 3


You might want to consider using an EnumSet; this won't give you new types, but it lets you work with collections of enum values in a set-theoretic way:

public enum Country {

    public static final EnumSet<Country> EUROPEAN_UNION = EnumSet.of(Country.FRANCE, Country.AUSTRIA, ...);

EnumSet implements Set, so you can use e.g. addAll(), removeAll() and retainAll() to produce unions, differences, and intersections (just remember to copy the left-hand-side set first).

  • 2
    Could wrap the constant with Collections.unmodifiableSet to make it immutable.
    – Bubletan
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:08
  • Thank you for the EnumSet suggestion. But I think it cannot help me in situations where I'd like to have a "typed subset API", e.g. getNationalMembersOfEuropeanParliament(EuropeanUnion euCountry)
    – Abdull
    Jul 2, 2015 at 20:16
  • @Abdull: Indeed, it won't; this solution is not type safe. Jul 2, 2015 at 20:19
  • @Bubletan: Good idea; that is much safer. Jul 2, 2015 at 20:19

enum is just syntactic sugar for a class with a private constructor whose only instances are stored in public static final fields. By defining this manually instead, you can gain additional flexibility, such as the ability to create subclasses and implement interfaces. So here's one possible solution, but it requires one class per country, so think carefully before you decide to do this:

public interface Country {
    static final France FRANCE = France.INSTANCE;
    static final Norway NORWAY = Norway.INSTANCE;
    static final Sweden SWEDEN = Sweden.INSTANCE;
    static final Denmark DENMARK = Denmark.INSTANCE;

public interface EuropeanUnionCountry extends Country {
    static final France FRANCE = France.INSTANCE;
    static final Sweden SWEDEN = Sweden.INSTANCE;
    static final Denmark DENMARK = Denmark.INSTANCE;

public interface ScandinavianCountry extends Country {
    static final Norway NORWAY = Norway.INSTANCE;
    static final Sweden SWEDEN = Sweden.INSTANCE;
    static final Denmark DENMARK = Denmark.INSTANCE;

// In case you need to store information about each country
public class CountryBase implements Country {
    protected CountryBase() { }

public class France extends CountryBase implements EuropeanUnionCountry {
    public static final France INSTANCE = new France();
    private France() { }

public class Norway extends CountryBase implements ScandinavianCountry {
    public static final Norway INSTANCE = new Norway();
    private Norway() { }

public class Sweden extends CountryBase
        implements ScandinavianCountry, EuropeanUnionCountry {
    public static final Sweden INSTANCE = new Sweden();
    private Sweden() { }

public class Denmark extends CountryBase
        implements ScandinavianCountry, EuropeanUnionCountry {
    public static final Denmark INSTANCE = new Denmark();
    private Denmark() { }

The advantage of this solution is that you now have complete type safety: Country.NORWAY can be passed to a method that takes Country or ScandinavianCountry, but not to one that takes EuropeanUnionCountry. Also, Country.NORWAY == ScandinavianCountry.NORWAY. Note that it would have been enough to list all the countries in Country, but repeating the appropriate ones in the subinterfaces might make it easier to keep track of which belong to which category.

You can do this using only classes as well, but then you're limited to a tree-based hierarchy, thus precluding e.g. having both European Union and Scandinavia (since they only partly overlap).

  • ScandinavianCountry.FRANCE :)
    – ZhongYu
    Jul 2, 2015 at 21:05
  • @bayou.io: In our dreams ;) Jul 2, 2015 at 21:17
  • @bayou.io Good observation; it's probably better to define the sets separately. It should produce a warning, though, and you can't pass it to a method that takes ScandinavianCountry. Jul 2, 2015 at 21:50
  • IMHO better would be public interface ScandinavianCountry{ static final **ScandinavianCountry** NORWAY = Norway.INSTANCE; - that verifies if the entry actually implements given marker. Also, public enum Norway implements Country, ScandinavianCountry { INSTANCE;} is much shorter (at the cost of solid base class)
    – Agent_L
    Nov 9, 2022 at 17:22

Well, so we can define two independent enum types

enum Country{ 

enum EU{

The question is how to link EU.GREECE to Country.GREECE. We don't need the link at compile time; we are satisfied if at runtime we can convert EU.GREECE to Country.GREECE

    private EU()
        this.country = Country.valueOf(this.name());

This is not totally type safe, but at least it fails fast at runtime - if any name in EU is not in Country, we'll get an error early on when EU class is initialized.

Now, to further justify this design, we can argue that EU.GREECE should not be the same object as Country.GREECE anyway, because EU.GREECE may contain more metadata and actions that are specific to EU.

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