I am working on an old makefile that contains the following snippet to generate a shared library:

    $(RM) $@~
    @SONAME=`echo $@ | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`; set -x; \
    $(CC) -o ./$@~ -shared -Wl,-soname,$$SONAME $(OBJS) $(SOEXTRALIBS) -lc;
    $(MV) $@~ $@
    $(MV) $@ lib$(LIBNAME).so

Now I need to modify that. I know that $@ specifies the target but what meaning does the tilde in "$@~" have?

By the way SOLIBREV stands for so-library-revision.

1 Answer 1


It doesn't mean anything special. It's just $@ followed by a literal ~. A ~ suffix on filenames is often used for temporary files, so this recipe is using a temporary file named after the target but with the extra ~ suffix.

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