I have a table in application who use UI breaks when the screen width reduces to lesser than 600px. Now I want to apply the following bootstrap classes that add a scroll to the application :

 .table-scrollable .table-scrollable-borderless

But, I don't want the scrolls to appears in Desktop UI.

So, I decided to use the media query :

@media (max-width: 600px) {


But, since these are not my own custom designed class but instead are classes inherited from bootstrap. I dont know how to invoke from the media queries.

And I can't change the class names either because I am sure, there will be some jquery that generate the scrolls based on these class names.

Please guide.

1 Answer 1


You want to add the property

overflow-y: scroll;

To the element you want to have a scroll bar. And borderless is of course achievable via border: none;.

Please note, when adding overflow-y: scroll, it's important that you have a set height. Hope this helps.


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