I got this dynamic code:

declare @TableName varchar(100)='Customer'
declare @DestinationcolumnList  NVARCHAR(MAX)
DECLARE @ServerName NVARCHAR(100) = '----'
DECLARE @SourceDatabase NVARCHAR(100) = 'Staging'
DECLARE @DestinationDatabase NVARCHAR(100) = 'History'
set @SQL='
        '+@DestinationcolumnList+' = coalesce('+@DestinationcolumnList+', '''') +'',''+ char(13) + char(10) + quotename(cast(d.COLUMN_NAME as varchar(128)))
from ['+@ServerName+'].['+@DestinationDatabase+'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS d
inner join ['+@ServerName+'].['+@SourceDatabase+'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS s 
        on d.TABLE_NAME = s.TABLE_NAME  
        and s.COLUMN_NAME = d.COLUMN_NAME
where   d.TABLE_NAME = '''+@TableName+'''
exec sp_executesql @SQL
select @DestinationcolumnList

its giving NULL value. when I execute same code without dynamic SQL its working fine. How scope of the variable works in dynamic SQL.

Thanks in advance.

  • @DestinationcolumnList what value passing this variable Jul 6, 2015 at 13:45
  • Thanks for the reply, @DestinationcolumnList containts column names from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where ='Customer' Jul 6, 2015 at 13:49

1 Answer 1


In Dynamic SQL, variables declared outside the dynamic string are used to build a string, they are not used as a part of the string, so they cannot be used the way you are trying to do it: doing the undocumented trick of concatenating a variable with itself to produce a single string in a SELECT statement.

If you made the variable declaration part of the string, it should work:

set @SQL='
declare @DestinationcolumnList  NVARCHAR(MAX);

        @DestinationcolumnList = coalesce(@DestinationcolumnList, '''') +'',''+ char(13) + char(10) + quotename(cast(d.COLUMN_NAME as varchar(128)))
from ['+@ServerName+'].['+@DestinationDatabase+'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS d
inner join ['+@ServerName+'].['+@SourceDatabase+'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS s 
        on d.TABLE_NAME = s.TABLE_NAME  
        and s.COLUMN_NAME = d.COLUMN_NAME
where   d.TABLE_NAME = '''+@TableName+'''

select @DestinationcolumnList;

exec sp_executesql @SQL
  • Thanks for the reply. Now I am able to get DestinationcolumnList values. can you please explain bit more about difference between declaring variable outside dynamic sql and inside dynamic sql. I am new to dynamic sql. Thanks. Jul 6, 2015 at 15:29

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