I have two divs (staticclose and sads). The first one is visible and the other one is hidden. When I close the first div, the second one becomes visible and when I click the second div, the first one becomes visible. How can I use jquery.cookie to remember the state of the divs?


  • i have not heard of jquery cookie. but if you want to remember state, use html attributes Jul 8, 2015 at 2:11

2 Answers 2


Using jQuery.cookie as you ask in your question, you could do something like:

  $.cookie("last_state", "0", {path: "/"});

  $.cookie("last_state", "1", {path: "/"});
  if ($.cookie("last_state") === "1") {
    //Do whatever you want
  } else {
    //Do whatever you want

You can use cookies or HTML5 Storage. I prefer the second option.



Simple example with amplify.

First store the object.

amplify.store( "yourObject", { foo: "bar" } );

Then retrieve it.

var retrievedValue = amplify.store( "yourObject" );

Simple example with jquery cookies.


$.cookie('staticclose', 'visible');
$.cookie('sads', 'invisible');


$.cookie('staticclose'); // "visible"
$.cookie('sads'); // "invisible"

Anyhow, you can use data attributes to accomplish this. But if your idea is remember the state after reloading the page, ok, go for the cookies idea.

Example with data attributes:

$("#div1").data("currentState", "visible");
$("#div2").data("currentState", "invisible");

To retrieve the data:

var div1 = $("#div1").data("currentState"); // It will be "visible"
var div2 = $("#div2").data("currentState"); // It will be "invisible"

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