I run the following SQL query on my Microsoft SQL Server (2012 Express) database, and it works fine, executing in less than a second:

  StringValue, COUNT(StringValue)
FROM Attributes
  Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND ProductAssociation IN (
    FROM ProductAssociations
    WHERE ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
GROUP BY StringValue

I add a filter in the inner query and it continues to work fine, returning slightly less results (as expected) and also executing in less than a second.

  StringValue, COUNT(StringValue)
FROM Attributes
  Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND ProductAssociation IN (
    FROM ProductAssociations
    WHERE ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
    AND ID IN (
      SELECT A2.ProductAssociation
      FROM Attributes A2
      WHERE A2.Name = 'Is test' AND A2.BooleanValue = 0
GROUP BY StringValue

But when I add a flag variable to enable me to "turn on/off" the filter in the inner query, and set the flag to zero, the query seems to execute indefinitely (I left it running about 5 minutes and then force cancelled):

DECLARE @IsTestsIncluded bit
SET @IsTestsIncluded = 0

  StringValue, COUNT(StringValue)
FROM Attributes
  Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND ProductAssociation IN (
    FROM ProductAssociations
    WHERE ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
    AND (
      @IsTestsIncluded = 1
      ID IN (
        SELECT A2.ProductAssociation
        FROM Attributes A2
        WHERE A2.Name = 'Is test' AND A2.BooleanValue = 0
GROUP BY StringValue

Why? What am I doing wrong? I swear I've used this pattern in the past without a problem.

(When I set @IsTestsIncluded = 1 in the final query above, the filter is skipped and the execution time is normal - the delay only happens when @IsTestsIncluded = 0)


As per Joel's request in the comments, here is the execution plan for the first query:

Execution plan for first query

And here is the execution plan for the second query:

enter image description here

(I can't post an execution plan for the 3rd query as it never completes - unless there is another way to get it in SSMS?)

  • 2
    This is unanswerable until you also post the execution plans (have to vote to close, sorry), but a guess (hence the comment rather than an answer) is the addition of the OR condition breaks the server's ability to reliably use an index for the filter. Jul 10, 2015 at 16:41
  • 1
    Also, instead of nesting a SELECT in an IN clause, you can almost always do better by re-writing it as a JOIN on the subquery. Jul 10, 2015 at 16:42
  • I used JOINs as you suggest (on the first subquery) but the results are still the same. Will post execution plans.
    – Ross
    Jul 10, 2015 at 16:52
  • My guess would also be that the change is causing a table scan instead of using an index, but without the execution plan, the best we can do is guess. Jul 10, 2015 at 16:53
  • Execution plans for queries 1 and 2 have been added to post.
    – Ross
    Jul 10, 2015 at 16:57

3 Answers 3


Why? What am I doing wrong?

You are trying to compile a query that needs to satisfy multiple distinct conditions, based on the variable. The optimizer must come up with one plan that works in both cases.

Try to avoid this like the plague. Just issue two queries, one for one condition one for the other, so that the optimizer is free to optimize each queries separately and compile an execution plan that is optimal for each case.

A lenghty discussion of the topic, with alternatives and pros and cons: Dynamic Search Conditions in T‑SQL

  • Thanks Remus - this is clearly something I need to learn more about. Will add that link to my weekend reading list.
    – Ross
    Jul 10, 2015 at 17:22

Try this:

  a.StringValue, COUNT(a.StringValue)
FROM Attributes a
INNER JOIN ProductAssociations p ON a.ProductAssociation = p.ID
    AND p.ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
LEFT JOIN Attributes a2 ON a2.ProductAssociation = p.ID
    AND a2.Name = 'Is Test' AND a2.BooleanValue = 0       
  Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND COALESCE(a2.ProductAssociation, NULLIF(@IsTestsIncluded, 1)) IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY a.StringValue

The coalesce/nullif combination is not the easiest-to-follow thing I've ever written, but it should be functionally equivalent to what you have as long as the join conditions match 0 or 1 record on the joined table.

  • Hi Joel – this seems to work – thanks so much! The only issues with your code: (1) The flag was acting inversely, so i changed your NULLIF to NULLIF(@IsTestsIncluded, 0), and (2) I had to prefix Name and StringValue in your WHERE clause with "a." - easy to miss when you are not the one executing!
    – Ross
    Jul 10, 2015 at 17:07

Good answer from Joel +1

OR is hard to optimize

Going back to the second
Where in is hard for the optimizer to optimize
Consider JOIN over all those where in
This still has an OR that may cause bad query plan but it gives the optimizer a better chance at minimizing the OR

SELECT A1.StringValue, COUNT(A1.StringValue)
 FROM Attributes A1
 JOIN ProductAssociations PA
   ON PA.ID = A1.ProductAssociation
  AND A1.Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND A1.StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND PA.ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
 JOIN Attributes A2 
   ON A2.ProductAssociation = A1.ProductAssociation 
  AND (     @IsTestsIncluded = 1
        OR (A2.Name = 'Is test' AND A2.BooleanValue = 0)
GROUP BY A1.StringValue  

if you refactor @IsTestsIncluded you can maybe do this

SELECT A1.StringValue, COUNT(A1.StringValue)
 FROM Attributes A1
 JOIN ProductAssociations PA
   ON PA.ID = A1.ProductAssociation
  AND A1.Name = 'Windows OS Version'
  AND A1.StringValue IS NOT NULL
  AND PA.ProductCode = 'MyProductCode'
 LEFT JOIN Attributes A2 
   ON A2.ProductAssociation = A1.ProductAssociation 
  AND A2.Name = 'Is test' 
  AND A2.BooleanValue = 0
WHERE ISNULL(@IsTestsIncluded, A2.ProductAssociation) is NOT NULL
GROUP BY A1.StringValue 

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