
I'm basicly trying to tokenize a string from a file and create an object using the tokens as parameters for the object.

I need to be able to make a new object for each line in the file.

But I get the error no viable overloaded '='

 string tokens[8];
int i =0;
int j=0;

vector<Package *> myPack[5];

while (file.good()){
    cout<< buffer<< endl;

    string token, text(buffer);
    istringstream iss(text);
    cout <<endl;
        while (getline(iss, token, '|')){
            cout << token << endl;

myPack[0] = new Package(tokens[0] ,tokens[1],tokens[2],tokens[3], stod(tokens[4]), stod(tokens[5]));

error occurs here

  myPack[0] = new Package(tokens[0] ,tokens[1],tokens[2],tokens[3], stod(tokens[4]), stod(tokens[5]));

2 Answers 2


vector<Package *> myPack[5]; is an array of five (empty) vectors, not a vector with five Package* elements.

The latter looks like vector<Package *> myPack(5);.

  • Thank you so much! that was the problem.
    – obsi
    Jul 12, 2015 at 20:35

Your myPack vector has a length of 0, so myPack[0] (accessing the first element in the vector) is an error.

You have to push_back your Package object to insert it.


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