I have this line in node.js, but i get wrong number of arguments. In redis-cli it would be easy, etg test 10 2, but for some reason it wont work here.


convensation:convensationIds:user:23984 294874 1

my code:

 redis_client.zadd(['convensation:convensationIds:user:' + data.from ,convensationId ,data.to]);


RR wrong number of arguments for 'zadd' command


i also tried

redis_client.zadd('convensation:convensationIds:user:' + data.from ,convensationId ,data.to);

but got the same error as above.

2 Answers 2


You're passing just one argument, namely an array. Try passing the values of that array as proper arguments:

redis_client.zadd('convensation:convensationIds:user:' + data.from ,convensationId ,data.to);
  • @maria which Redis library are you using? I can't reproduce using redis.
    – robertklep
    Jul 19, 2015 at 7:45

zadd takes three parameters:

  1. The first is the name of the Z set
  2. The second is number, most probably 0
  3. The third is new value

Example: client.zadd("job", 0 , string_job);

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