I have different types of users. Every users inherit from a class : AppUser. Some users have a subclass of AppUser : AdminUser.

Is it possible for an AppUser to become an AdminUser? And for an AdminUser to become an AppUser?

I've tried to do appUserInstance.class = my.package.AdminUser But ended up with a ReadOnlyPropertyException

I've also tried appUserInstance.properties = new com.michelin.dur.AppUser(appUserInstance.properties).properties -> object references an unsaved transient instance

So the best I could actually do was removing / recreating the object. However, that's still a problem, as all links pointing to my previous User instance will point to nothing.

Anyone having a good solution to that?

1 Answer 1


You can do it with HQL:

DomainClass.executeUpdate("update DomainClass dc set dc.class = '${newDomainClass.name}' where id = ${id}")

I'd advise against it though - HQL skips validation, so if the classes AppUser and AdminUser have different properties you might end up with invalid objects in the database when doing that.

I would try to solve this by using permissions (roles) or if that's too much, by using a property called UserType instead of inheritance.

If not, recreating the user doesn't seem bad - if the classes AdminUser and AppUser are different, the user instance should also be.

  • Are HQL queries rolledback too in transactionnal services? If so, can't I just change the class using HQL and then force it to validate by saving the object? I would just have to roll it back if there is an error. Jul 23, 2015 at 13:50

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