I have an automatic report aimed at catching missing commits between release branches based on the output of

tgt=$(git rev-parse --verify "origin/${TARGET_BRANCH}")
ref=$(git rev-parse --verify "origin/${REFERENCE_BRANCH}")
git log --oneline --pretty=format:'%h\x1E%ad\x1E%s%d\x1E%an' --date=short --cherry-pick --right-only --no-merges "${tgt}...${ref}"

which works nicely for 99% cases. Sometimes though, usually because of a gentle human touch post-merge/post-cherry-pick there are breaks. Which I want to "white list" post manual validation to keep the report in a clean PASS-good/FAIL-bad shape not requiring manual judgement.

With Subversion I would have just done merge --record only -c<commit-id> ... to shut the svn --show-revs eligible up.

Is there a way to do it in GIT (not storing any meta-information outside the git repository)?



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