I am trying to use onsen ui in Cordova development.

      <body ng-controller="AppController" > 

    <!-- Navigator as root element -->
    <ons-navigator var="myNavigator" ng-controller="SubController" ons-prepush="onPopPost($event)" ons-postpop="onPopPost($event)"> 
            <ons-toolbar fixed-style>
                <div class="left"></div>
                <div class="center"><img src=""></div>
                <div class="right"></div>
           <ons-tabbar position="top">
            <ons-tabbar-item active="true" page="latest.html" id="latestTab">
              <div class="tab">
                <ons-toolbar-button class="tabmain" modifier="outline">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Latest&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="notificationLatest" class="notification" style="display:none">*</span></ons-button>

 <ons-template id="latest.html">
      <ons-page ng-controller="MainPageController" fixed-style>  

In app.js I have

module.controller('AppController', function($scope,$timeout) {
$scope.onPopPost = function(event) {


The event is not firing. As per the documentation this is supported. But I could not see this event firing. Is there any other settings I need to do?

1 Answer 1


Your navigator has the postpop handler but you are not pushing a page in the navigator. You are changing pages in the tabbar and those are different components. Use these events instead: http://onsen.io/reference/ons-tabbar.html#attributes

<ons-tabbar ng-controller="AppController" ons-postchange="onPopPost($event)" position="top">

Working here: http://codepen.io/frankdiox/pen/NqOELO

Hope it helps!

  • Thank you for the answer. I see the code is working in the codepen. But this is not firing in my project. I will create a minimal codepen code and send you the link. There is a ng-click I have added for the content inside one tab item. On Click of it I am using the code myNavigator.pushPage('launcher.html', { animation : 'lift' } ); there is a close button on the launcher.html. in that I am calling myNavigator.popPage('launcher.html'); none of these are firing any events
    – kirant400
    Jul 27, 2015 at 3:55
  • Fran Dios, added the code here. http://codepen.io/kirant400/pen/jPeRNo. if I add angular.module('app', ['onsen', 'ngSanitize']); code is not working. and tab events are working but not the push events
    – kirant400
    Jul 27, 2015 at 12:50
  • 1
    myNavigator.pushPage() is working well. It is firing an event, I can see it on the console. However, you have a problem with Angular controllers in launcher.html. That page has no controller so when you call closeLaunch() nothing happens.
    – Fran Dios
    Jul 28, 2015 at 2:34

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