public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
    Startup.DataProtectionProvider = app.GetDataProtectionProvider();

I Need custom manager code for identity 2.0 in asp.net mvc.

Here i need tenant not for user but i have a table named site. I want site CURD handle by owin context.

I need any example of custom application manager code for any other entity except user and role.

1 Answer 1


Hope this gets you started

 public class ApplicationCustomManager : IDisposable
    public ApplicationCustomManager(ApplicationDbContext _applicationDbContext)
        //do any operations as per your requirements with _applicationDbContext

    public static ApplicationCustomManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationCustomManager> options, IOwinContext context)
        var _applicationCustomManager = new ApplicationCustomManager(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>());
        return  _applicationCustomManager;

    public void Dispose()


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