How do you install plugins in Rails 4? Or more specifically, how do you install the Princely plugin for PrinceXML? I've spent a lot of time Googling but have not come up with anything. Everything seems to be for earlier versions of Rails. I get the impression that one would put in in the Gem file somehow? If someone could clarify this for me, I'd be most appreciative.

2 Answers 2



gem 'princely', '~> 1.4.1'  

or if you prefer to point to github

gem 'princely', github: 'mbleigh/princely'

then run bundle install

  • So, it's treated just as if it were a gem? I got confused because I kept seeing it referred to as a plugin and somehow thought plugins and gems were managed differently because they were packaged differently.
    – Sailorxyz
    Jul 29, 2015 at 21:11

Go to into your gemfile, do what Antarr Byrd said. Basically put in those lines above or below and of the lines about gems already there. Running bundle install will result in a new Gemfile.lock, at which point it'll start working.

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