I have two strings.

str_a = "the_quick_brown_fox"
str_b = "the_quick_red_fox"

I want to find the first index at which the two strings differ (i.e. str_a[i] != str_b[i]).

I know I could solve this with something like the following:

def diff_char_index(str_a, str_b)
  arr_a, arr_b = str_a.split(""), str_b.split("")
  return -1 unless valid_string?(str_a) && valid_string?(str_b)
  arr_a.each_index do |i|
    return i unless arr_a[i] == arr_b[i]

def valid_string?(str)
  return false unless str.is_a?(String)
  return false unless str.size > 0

diff_char_index(str_a, str_b) # => 10

Is there a better way to do this?

4 Answers 4


Something like this ought to work:

  .find_index {|char, idx| char != str_b[idx] } || str_a.size

Edit: It works: http://ideone.com/Ttwu1x
Edit 2: My original code returned nil if str_a was shorter than str_b. I've updated it to work correctly (it will return str_a.size, so if e.g. the last index in str_a is 3, it will return 4).

Here's another method that may strike some as slightly simpler:

(0...str_a.size).find {|i| str_a[i] != str_b[i] } || str_a.size


  • 2
    I'd prefer str_a.each_char.with_index, as it doesn't create an intermediate array. Nevertheless, +1.
    – Amadan
    Jul 30, 2015 at 3:32
  • Good catch, @Amadan. I always forget about each_char. Jul 30, 2015 at 3:38
i = 0
i += 1 while str_a[i] and str_a[i] == str_b[i]
str_a = "the_quick_brown_dog"
str_b = "the_quick_red_dog"

(0..(1.0)/0).find { |i| (str_a[i] != str_b[i]) || str_a[i].nil? }
  #=> 10

str_a = "the_quick_brown_dog"
str_b = "the_quick_brown_dog"

(0..(1.0)/0).find { |i| (str_a[i] != str_b[i]) || str_a[i].nil? }
  #=> 19
  #=> 19 
  • Why not just write Float::INFINITY instead of (1.0)/0? Jul 30, 2015 at 5:18
  • @Jordan, I shouldn't be so flippant. I agree that Float::INFINITY is better. In fact, I originally wrote that, but then decided to change it for the benefit of readers unfamiliar with (1.0)/0. Jul 30, 2015 at 20:16

This uses a binary search to find the index where a slice of str_a no longer occurs at the beginning of str_b:

(0..str_a.length).bsearch { |i| str_b.rindex(str_a[0..i]) != 0 }

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