Based on below question answers I am able to retrieve data of particular table but not all three table data in single array . How to retrieve all data using relation?

I tried following ways

  1. This will retrieve all users data instead of particular user

  2. This will retrieve only post detail not user table

    $data = User::findOrFail(1)->posts()->get();

Please help me to retrieve all data of three tables in single user in single query.

1 Answer 1


Will get the user with id one with all posts.

$data = User::findOrFail(1)->load('posts');


$data = User::with('posts')->findOrFail(1);
echo "Username:" . $data->name;
foreach($data->posts as $post) {
    echo $post->title;
    echo "Comments:";
    foreach($post->comments as $comment) {
        echo $comment->value;
  • thank you for the answer .how to echo each data .i can able to print data using print_r().
    – scott
    Jul 30, 2015 at 11:10
  • i need to display username including user posts title ?
    – scott
    Jul 30, 2015 at 11:11
  • you can pass them to a view and then loop through the posts.
    – cre8
    Jul 30, 2015 at 11:12
  • ya i tried loop like foreach($data as $dats){ echo $dats->username.'<br>'; echo $dats->post_desc.'<br>'; } but it print only username but post_desc not displaying
    – scott
    Jul 30, 2015 at 11:13
  • the posts as saved in $data->posts
    – cre8
    Jul 30, 2015 at 11:14

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