When i tap delete the action sheet sheet doesnt hide after a successful delete. Is there a way I could call the cancel from the deletePicture function?

$scope.deletePicture = function(post_id, pic_id, index){
     PostService.DeletePic(post_id, pic_id, $localStorage.CurrentUser.auth_token)
      .success(function (data) {
     hideSheet(); //doesn't Hide the action sheet
            error(function(error,status) {
$scope.update_or_delete = function(post_id,pic_id,index){

      titleText: 'Edit Photo',
      buttons: [
        { text: 'Change' },      
      destructiveText: 'Delete',
      cancelText: 'Cancel',
      cancel: function() {
      destructiveButtonClicked: function() {

      buttonClicked: function(index) {
       if(index === 0){ // Camera BUtton
        return true;

1 Answer 1


You must return true from the destructiveButtonClicked callback in order to automatically close the action sheet.

From the Docs :

destructiveButtonClicked : Called when the destructive button is clicked. Return true to close the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.

So in your case, it will be :

      titleText: 'Edit Photo',
      buttons: [{
          text: 'Change'
      }, ],
      destructiveText: 'Delete',
      cancelText: 'Cancel',
      cancel: function() {
      destructiveButtonClicked: function() {
          $scope.deletePicture(post_id, pic_id, index);
          return true;

      buttonClicked: function(index) {
          if (index === 0) { // Camera BUtton
          return true;

You can check out a demo here

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