Is it possible to build only a specific target when using ExternalProject? In particular, I need to download and build only the MPI version of the OpenCoarrays library. I tried

  URL https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/opencoarrays/archive/1.0.1.tar.gz
  BUILD_COMMAND make caf_mpi

but it builds both serial and MPI versions. If it is not possible, any hack is also welcome.

1 Answer 1


make install installs all flows of OpenCoarrays, so even you build only caf_mpi at build stage, caf_single is built automatically on install stage.

For install only caf_mpi library flow you can try to modify package sources using PATCH_COMMAND argument of ExternalProject_add command.

E.g, you may replace content of src/CMakeLists.txt file to this one:


Probably, this will work.

  • For now I've decided to redefine the install command with a simple ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy, but I'll keep your suggestion also in mind. Aug 3, 2015 at 14:21

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