I'm trying to insert an HTML <base> tag immediately after the opening <head> tag of a page using dom. I've tried using appendChild which just inserts it before the </head> which is no good.

Code im using:

$head = $dom->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0);
$base = $dom->createElement('base');
$base->setAttribute('href', $url);
$head->parentNode->insertBefore($base, $head);

This inserts the <base> tag before the <head>, which is still no good!

Any ideas? Beer for the correct answer!

  • parentNode is necessary? i assume heads' parentnode is html.
    – fabrik
    Jul 5, 2010 at 14:08

1 Answer 1

$head = $dom->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0);
$base = $dom->createElement('base');

if ($head->hasChildNodes()) {
} else {

If the <head> element already has children, it inserts the <base> element before <head>'s first child. If <head> has no children, it just appends it to <head>.


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