I work for a webdevelopment company that also manages the hosting of our customers websites.The hosting is shared and only on 3 servers. The webservers are debian webservers where each customer has his own account to reach his own website files.

Normally I would login to the server as this customer and add my ssh key to an authorized_keys file so that I can simply ssh into the account without having to lookup the password, this works perfectly fine.

The downside is I have to do this for every account over again, is there a way to add it to the server only once so that I can access all the accounts?

I tried putting the authorized_keys file in a .ssh folder in the root of the server but this doesn't seem to provide me access with any account. I have to admit my linux knowledge is limited, so am wondering if this is even possible?


2 Answers 2


You can update your sshd_config and add to AuthorizedKeysFile also for example some path in /etc/ssh/authorized_keys where you can put your master key. This would authorize you with this key to all accounts. But don't forget to leave there also the original one:

AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys /etc/ssh/authorized_keys

Or you can use certificates as described in ssh-keygen manual page. This would allow you to audit the access with these keys.


You can consider to use emcSSH tool for your purposes. This is blockchain-based distributed Public Key Infrastructure and group management system.

You can read details and download here: http://emercoin.com/EMCSSH If needed any assistance, feel free for contact me. I'm author of this system, and can answer your questions.

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