I want to use function nlminb from stats package in my C program. I am aware of few different ways to do this: call R function within C code, using Rcpp.

But the function nlminb basically is written in Fortran and is wrapped in C code. One can find this code in R-3.2.1/src/library/stats/src files portsrc.f, port.c and port.h.

So is there a way to call functions in port.c or even in portsrc.f directly within my C code?

1 Answer 1


Do you have to use nlminb? Note that the optim function does most of the same things as nlminb, and its entry points are documented in the "Writing R Extensions" manual.

The interfaces (defined in header R_ext/Applic.h) are

Nelder Mead:

void nmmin(int n, double *xin, double *x, double *Fmin, optimfn fn,
int *fail, double abstol, double intol, void *ex,
double alpha, double beta, double gamma, int trace,
int *fncount, int maxit);


void vmmin(int n, double *x, double *Fmin,
optimfn fn, optimgr gr, int maxit, int trace,
int *mask, double abstol, double reltol, int nREPORT,
void *ex, int *fncount, int *grcount, int *fail);

 Conjugate gradients:

void cgmin(int n, double *xin, double *x, double *Fmin,
optimfn fn, optimgr gr, int *fail, double abstol,
double intol, void *ex, int type, int trace,
int *fncount, int *grcount, int maxit);

 Limited-memory BFGS with bounds:

void lbfgsb(int n, int lmm, double *x, double *lower,
double *upper, int *nbd, double *Fmin, optimfn fn,
optimgr gr, int *fail, void *ex, double factr,
double pgtol, int *fncount, int *grcount,
int maxit, char *msg, int trace, int nREPORT);

 Simulated annealing:

void samin(int n, double *x, double *Fmin, optimfn fn, int maxit,
int tmax, double temp, int trace, void *ex);
  • Yes I need to use nlminb. Aug 7, 2015 at 8:46

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