I recently upgraded to Rails 4. When I ran my RSpec tests I got an error.

Here is my spec:

1   model = double(:model, errors: double(:errors, full_messages: []))
2   transaction = double(:transaction)
3   transaction.stub(:update_attributes!) { raise ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid.new(model) }

I got the error <NoMethodError: undefined method 'i18n_scope' for RSpec::Mocks::Mock:Class> in line 3.

Per the API documentation 'i18n_scope' has been removed from Rails 4.


1 Answer 1

model = double(:model, errors: double(:errors, full_messages: []))

Not sure why RSpec::Mocks::Mock:Class was looking for 'i18n_scope' method. But to fix it, I stubbed 'i18n_scope'. Then it works.

  • This isn't correct. The double class is RSpec::Mocks::Double. This class also doesn't implement i18n_scope. You can see my answer here: stackoverflow.com/questions/33037136/…. At least for RSpec 3.3+
    – daino3
    Dec 18, 2015 at 17:42

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