I am running NuGet.Server v2.8.60717.93, hosted on Azure. The server is running correctly, and I am able to see all the packages if I go to the following url:


I am also able to publish new packages to the server using Nuget Package Explorer.

I added https://***.azurewebsites.net/nuget as a Package Source in Visual Studio. However it can't find any packages, it just says No items found.

To my understanding, Nuget will set /Packages as default package folder unless otherwise is specified. I even tried to set packagesPath to ~/Packages, still no luck.

What am I missing?

1 Answer 1


Also have this problem the RSS feed of package is showing in the browser if I navigate to https://***.azurewebsites.net/nuget/Packages but no items found in visual studio.

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