To get PatchCodeGUID I use the script :

$vbsCode = @"
Set msi = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set patchlist = msi.Patches("{786970C5-E6F6-4A41-B238-AE25D4B91EEA}")
For Each p In patchlist
    WScript.Echo p

$VBSFile = "$env:TEMP\temp.vbs"

$vbsCode | out-file -FilePath $VBSFile
$PatchList = cscript.exe $VBSFile | Where-Object {$_ -match "^{" }
$VBSFile | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Is it possible to get rid of of VBS and use Powershell only ?

P.S. {786970C5-E6F6-4A41-B238-AE25D4B91EEA} is RTMProductCodeGuid of SCOM agent

1 Answer 1


You could use the third party module Windows Installer PowerShell Module. It has the CmdLet Get-MSIPatchInfo which should give you the correct information (more info: http://psmsi.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Get-MSIPatchInfo.v2.3.0.0&referringTitle=Help.v2.3.0):

Get-MSIPatchInfo [[-ProductCode] <string[]>] [[-PatchCode] <string[]>] [-Filter <PatchStates>] [-UserContext <UserContexts>] [-UserSid <string>] [-Everyone] [<CommonParameters>]

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