I have a table like this:

id conn_id read_date
1 1 2010-02-21
2 1 2011-02-21
3 2 2011-02-21
4 2 2013-02-21
5 2 2014-02-21

I want the second highest read_date for particular 'conn_id's i.e. I want a group by on conn_id. Please help me figure this out.

  • What do you want to do when there are two identical maximal values for the date ? Aug 24, 2015 at 7:02

3 Answers 3


Here's a solution for a particular conn_id :

select max (read_date) from my_table
where conn_id=1
and read_date<(
   select max (read_date) from my_table
   where conn_id=1

If you want to get it for all conn_id using group by, do this:

select t.conn_id, (select max(i.read_date) from my_table i
where i.conn_id=t.conn_id and i.read_date<max(t.read_date))
from my_table t group by conn_id;
  • Thank you for the answer but can't you modify it for the generic case?
    – Punit Naik
    Aug 24, 2015 at 6:38
  • It should print second highest 'read_date's for all the unique 'conn_id's.
    – Punit Naik
    Aug 24, 2015 at 6:43
  • But could you please tell me why this query, 'select *,max(read_date) as prev from my_table where read_date<(select max(read_date) from my_table) group by conn_id;', is not working. It gives correct output for only the maximum conn_id. Please help.
    – Punit Naik
    Aug 24, 2015 at 7:35

Following answer should work in MSSQL :

select id,conn_id,read_date  from (
select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(Partition by conn_id order by read_date desc) as RN 
from my_table
where RN =2

There is an intresting article on use of rank functions in MySQL here :


If your table design as ID - date matching (ie a big id always a big date), you can group by id, otherwise do the following:

$sql_max = '(select conn_id, max(read_date) max_date from tab group by 1) as tab_max';

$sql_max2 = "(select tab.conn_id,max(tab.read_date) max_date2 from tab, $sql_max
where tab.conn_id = tab_max.conn_id and tab.read_date < tab_max.max_date 
group by 1) as tab_max2";

$sql = "select tab.* from tab, $sql_max2 
where tab.conn_id = tab_max2.conn_id and tab.read_date = tab_max2.max_date2";

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