I wish to place markers in the output of HTML (only during development) such that I know exactly which templates and snippets are being called at any given time. (It's huge and growing library...)

Currently I have something like this:

@if(tkAuthenticatedRequest.isDev) {<!-- mystuff.myform.helpers.snippet.scala.html -->}

This works of course but is prone to error or omission.

Can we detect the actual filename and have it bleed thru automatically?

Is there perhaps a better way to attach this to dev and not need the authentication at all? While I've lazy val'ed the isDev call so it only has a single hit nonetheless I'm open to better ideas.

  • Maybe you can use something like @this.getClass().getName(), but I don't know what it will return in a template file... Aug 28, 2015 at 8:42
  • That my friends almost kinda works! It gives the "view" name of the template. E.g. the name you would use to call it in a template. It doesn't seem to take into account any submodule paths etc...
    – Techmag
    Aug 29, 2015 at 21:55

1 Answer 1


The magic answer if you want the actual file name is as follows:

@if(tkAuthenticatedRequest.isDev) { 
  <!-- @Option(this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource()).map(x => x.getLocation()) --> 

Note that Twirl has a hard time digesting this unless it is split into three lines so you might want to make a Util function out of it and just pass this.getClass() to that function.

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