Need some help in creating function which can create folders recursively with giving path:


Delphi function MkDir returning IOerror = 3.


3 Answers 3




(This is a standard RTL function, found in SysUtils.pas. Hence you do not need to create your own function, even though that wouldn't have been difficult.)

  • 5
    Writing your own ForceDirectories that works on your computer: easy. Writing one that works in the wild handling all the edge cases: hard
    – Ian Boyd
    Apr 20, 2012 at 19:11
  • exactly, all the edge cases make it hard.
    – rocksteady
    Jun 7, 2016 at 10:41
  • 1
    This is not UNC aware, this is why I recommend the new IOUtils library.
    – IceCold
    Aug 31, 2020 at 11:04

SysUtils is obsolete now and ForceDirectories is not UNC aware!

There is a new library in since Delphi XE7 (or even earlyer?) called IOUtils.
IOUtils is cross-platform compatible and UNC aware.

function ForceDirectories(FullPath: string): Boolean;   // Works with UNC paths
  Result:= DirectoryExists(FullPath);

Note: The function is from Delphi LightSaber library. There are several other similar I/O functions there (like ListFilesOf(Folder)).

  • if we're going to use System.IOUtils, shouldn't we at least use TDirectory.Exists instead of DirectoryExists from SysUtils?
    – Khorkhe
    Sep 4, 2023 at 18:00
  • You are right. but only for the sake of using modern code. DirectoryExists still works (and still not marked as deprecated by Emba). PS: The code looks like this because it is a very very old piece of code from my LightSaber library. This was one of the very first pieces of code in that lib. Back then, IOUtils was very crappy. I mean seriously flawed. So, I tried to use as little as possible from IOUtils.
    – IceCold
    Sep 6, 2023 at 8:28
  • 1
    Anyway, TDirectory.Exists still did not fixed some issues that DirectoryExists had: stackoverflow.com/questions/15166420/…
    – IceCold
    Sep 6, 2023 at 8:40

create "folder #1" create "folder #2" inside "folder #1" TDirectory.copy("folder #1","folder #2"); and watch the fun.

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    Jan 11 at 10:32

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