I have something like

                  @"comments in "
                  @"multiple lines")

in one of my files and when I attempt to export the project that contains the file via

xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -localizationPath <dirpath> -project <projectname> [[-exportLanguage <targetlanguage>]]

I get an error message like this:

Bad entry in file <file_name>.m (line = 35): Argument is not a literal string.

In my experiment, this issue goes away when I make the comment a single line literal.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem and knows more about what is going on here? Xcode's other tool for localization, genstrings, seems to handle this fine.

  • Just for clarification, I am running Xcode 6.4.
    – dfujiwara
    Sep 1, 2015 at 8:42
  • So the error tells you exactly what is going on, and you have found the way to address it. Not sure what you are asking. You could also use stringByAppendingString: here, of course. Sep 1, 2015 at 16:15


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