Is there an easy way to fit a multivariate regression in R in which the dependent variable is distributed in accordance with the Skellam distribution (difference between two Poisson-distributed counts)? Something like:

myskellam <- glm(A ~ B + C + D, data = mydata, family = "skellam")

This should accommodate fixed effects. But ideally, I would prefer random effects as I understand that fixed effects may introduce measurement biases. Therefore I guess the ideal solution should be using the lme4 or glmmADMB package.

Alternatively, is there a way to transform the data to apply more usual regression tools?


2 Answers 2


Incomplete answer, but seems a bit more than a comment.

Mixed effects seem hard; you could do it with AD Model Builder or Template Model Builder, both of which have built-in facilities for Laplace approximation. For fixed effects you can use something like


Reparameterize dskellam(x, lambda1, lambda2) to a form that is essentially location (geometric mean lambda=gmlambda=sqrt(lambda1*lambda2)) and shape (difference in lambdas: ldiff=sqrt(lambda1/lambda2) (so that lambda1=gmlambda*ldiff, lambda2=gmlambda/ldiff).

 dskellam2 <- function(x, gmlambda, ldiff, log=FALSE) {

Then something like this should work:

 mle2(A~dskellam2(gmlambda=exp(logmu),ldiff=exp(logs), data=mydata,

... but it could take some fussing to make it work.

  • Thanks very much. I will try that although I am a bit afraid of the "fussing" part.
    – bdu
    Sep 7, 2015 at 9:37

Here's an variant on @BenBolker's answer, parameterizing in terms of the mean and variance.

You could get something GLM-like if you write the log-likelihood as a function of the mean and variance, express the mean as a linear function of covariates, and use optim() to get the MLE and Hessian.

The mean is mu1-mu2, the variance is mu1+mu2. The two parameters can be written as functions of the mean and variance, ie:

mu1 <- (mn+va)/2
mu2 <- (va-mn)/2

The constraint is that mu1 and mu2 are positive. To achieve this, the mean of the Skellam must be less than the variance. This suggests to reparameterize the variance as:

va <- max(abs(mn)) + va_st

And treat va_st as the parameter to estimate.

Putting that all together:

logL_Skellam <- function(pars, X, Y){
    mn <- X %*% pars[1:ncol(X)]
    va_st <- exp(pars[ncol(X)+1]) # constrain to be positive
    va <- max(abs(mn)) + va_st
    # convert to parameters of skellam
    mu1 <- (mn+va)/2
    mu2 <- (va-mn)/2
    # optim minimizes so return negative LL
    -sum(dskellam(Y, mu1, mu2, log=T)) 


# simulated data
npars <- 3
nobs <- 300
X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(nobs*(npars-1)), nrow=nobs))
beta <- rnorm(npars)
va <- max(abs(X%*%beta)) + 3.3
Y <- rskellam(nobs, (X%*%beta+va)/2, (va-X%*%beta)/2)

# fit
fit <- optim(c(0,0,0,5), logL_Skellam, X=X, Y=Y, hessian=T)

Taking care that optim actually converges. The MLE and std. errors of the regression coefficients:

fit$par[1:npars] # MLE
sqrt(diag(solve(fit$hessian)))[1:npars] # std error

And I'll add that to include random effects, it may be possible to use MCMC with the parameterizations in either answer, with a prepackaged sampler like STAN or JAGS (you'd need to use the ones trick in JAGS). The hardest part to this may be porting the Bessel function in the Skellam PMF.

  • Thanks very much too, I will try this as an alternative and keep you posted.
    – bdu
    Sep 7, 2015 at 9:38

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