In my scala main method, I use import org.apache.commons.cli.{BasicParser, Options} to parse command line arguments. One of the arguments is a Comma seperated string which lists which methods I want to run.

I have a map which maps the string to methods eg.

val methods = Map("first" -> first, "second" -> second, "third" -> third)

Now from my command line arg, I want to create a list of methods which I want to run. i.e. if I give arg as "first,second", the list should contain List(first,second) but if I give arg as "first,third", the list should contain List(first,third)

I know a list is immutable, so I can't iterate and add.

What is the scala way of doing this?

  • What is the type of first, second, ... ? Sep 3, 2015 at 13:36

1 Answer 1


Assuming that CLI delivers a string with the comma separated words, consider separating the substrings of interest like this,

val methodNames = "first,second".split(",").toList

or separating the words like this,

val methodNames = "first,second".split("\\W+").toList

Hence to fetch the methods from the list consider

  • But this creates a List of strings (which split itself does). I want a list of methods, where the methods are gotten from the <String, method> map.
    – navinpai
    Sep 3, 2015 at 11:11
  • @navinpai note update to question and addition to answer on fetching methods.
    – elm
    Sep 3, 2015 at 11:14

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