I am trying to include an EJS file in my XHTML file so that I could pass on the data to the managed bean. I tried by including withing in script tag as but i am not getting the value from the EJS file to XHTML file. Could anyone please help me in the proper way to include an EJS file in HTML/ XHTML file.



<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1> Date is: </h1>       <%= new Date() %>
      Room Type is:           <%= checkindt %> <br /> 
     Room Type is:            <%= roomtype %> 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
 <script type="text/javascript" src="/ind.ejs" > </script>
 <title>My App</title>
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
   <script type="text/javascript" >
      function setValue(){
          alert('cindt is: '+ checkindt);
         document.getElementById('myForm.cindt').value = checkindt;
       <div>My app</div>
       <form name="myForm" >
           Date:   <input type="text" name="cindt" />            
           <button id="submit" onclick="setValue();" />

1 Answer 1


There may be a better solution than using ejs, but I will attempt to answer this question anyways.

1) Download a browser compatible version of EJS. Try clicking Here to download or go here.

2) Inlude it in you page:

<script src="ejs.js"></script>
 // your code here

3) Render/Compile it:

From text:

<script src="ejs.js"></script>
  var ejsResult = new EJS({
          text: "<div>Room number is: <%= roomnumber %> <br /> Room Type is: <%= roomtype %> </div>"
      }).render({roomnumber: "111", roomtype: "Suite"})

  someElement.innerHTML = ejsResult;

From a url:

<script src="ejs.js"></script>
  var ejsResult = new EJS({
          url: "templateLocation.ejs"
      }).render({roomnumber: "111", roomtype: "Suite"});

  someElement.innerHTML = ejsResult;

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