I use codeignitier and I would like to save some html code (templates) into the DB.

the problem is that I got every time the entities saved into the DB. I've this &lt ; instead of <

In my lib I put

$this->ci->form_validation->set_rules('html_text', 'HTML text', 'htmlspecialchars');           


$html_text   = $this->ci->input->post('html_text',true);                

in my view I use a textarea and CKeditor

thanks for the help

1 Answer 1


When you post the text field the contents are ASCII encoded for transit. Which is what you are seeing in the data. De-encode on the server before storing to data, or else dencode on the client side after retrieving. I would recommend doing these things on the server as you need to prevent XSS and SQL injection (because what you are doing can be very dangerous). Use a validation library.

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