Should add all the natural numbers below 1000 that are multiples of 3 or 5.

var sum = _.reduce( _.range(1, 1000), function(x, n) {
  if (n % 3 == 0 || n % 5 == 0) { return x+=n; }
}, 0);

I expect the output to be 233168 but I get NaN.

For some reason sum is not accepting the initialized value of 0. However if I preface this with var sum = 0; then it works and returns the proper output of 233168

Why doesn't it accept the initialized value?

  • 4
    What are you returning if the number is not a multiple of 3 or 5? Sep 12, 2015 at 19:33
  • Just FYI, you can sum the multiples in a sequential range without a loop. It can be done with math only.
    – user1106925
    Sep 12, 2015 at 20:03

1 Answer 1


The problem is the reducing function returns undefined when the conditional fails .. thus x evaluates to undefined (the last return value) in the subsequent invocation .. and undefined + a number is .. well, NaN.

Also, reduce is being used incorrectly; it should carry its own state. Compare it with:

var sum = _.reduce( _.range(1, 1000), function(x, n) {
  // Add n to the tally if it is a valid multiple..
  // (the returned value is used as the *next* value of x)
  if (n % 3 == 0 || n % 5 == 0) { return x + n; }
  // ..or simply return the current tally.
  else { return x; }
}, 0);

Note that the sum variable was not assigned from within the reducing function (it would have been overwritten by the outside assignment anyway). This keeps reduce a pure operation, not withstanding the occasional abuse of a mutable memo, truer to its functional roots.


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