
Possible Duplicate:
jquery trigger - ‘change’ function

I have a radio button set called "pick_up_point" and I have a change handler to detect the radio button that is checked. In the change handler I call a function "clearFields()" which basically clears out the input fields.

function clearFields()

 if($("input[name='pick_up_point']:checked").val() == "pick_up_airport")

I also have a trigger which will retain the view if the form is redisplayed due to a validation error.


Now when I post the form the trigger is run and it calls the change handler, which of course runs the clearFields() function. So how can I get around this? I don't want the fields being cleared when the form is re-displayed.


1 Answer 1


Change your change function (sorry couldn't resist) to accept a parameter that tells you whether to clear fields or not.

  • How? Can I pass the parameter via the trigger at all?
    Jul 16, 2010 at 21:40
  • Yes, the trigger method takes an optional second parameter that is a list of parameters to pass to the trigger method such as .trigger('change', ['arg1', 'arg2']). - "api.jquery.com/trigger"
    – RWGodfrey
    Jul 17, 2010 at 22:01

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