I am using PostgreSQL to write an SQL query to select from the same sql results twice. For example,

SELECT a.id, b.id
    (SELECT * FROM tableA) as a,
    (SELECT * FROM tableA) as b
  WHERE a.id = b.id+1

As you can see the following SQL query has been executed twice:


Is it possible to store the SQL results temporarily instead of running the same query twice because this query can be complicated?

  • What about a join of tableA with itself ? Something like: SELECT a.id,b.id from tableA a join tableB b on a.id=b.id+1
    – Houari
    Sep 25, 2015 at 15:32
  • The line "SELECT * FROM tableA" is just an example and it could be complicated nested queries.
    – chesschi
    Sep 25, 2015 at 15:36
  • If the SELECT * from tableA can't be replaced by a view, you can use also a sub-query using with keyword
    – Houari
    Sep 25, 2015 at 15:39

3 Answers 3


Common Table Expression:

with cte as 
(SELECT * FROM tableA)
select * from cte where...

So you don't have to write the same stuff twice. Don't know if its executed once or severel times though...

  • What I'm wondering (and I'm honestly not sure, and that seems to be OP's question): if you refer to the CTE twice in your query, are you guaranteed that the CTE will only be executed once?
    – sstan
    Sep 25, 2015 at 15:25
  • I don't know, check the execution plan.
    – jarlh
    Sep 25, 2015 at 15:26

A CTE solves your problem. But it is likely that the lead() function would as well . . . and with better performance:

FROM (SELECT a.id, lead(a.id) over (order by a.id) as b_id
      FROM tableA a
     ) a
WHERE id = b_id;

Or, for something that will work with duplicates:

SELECT a.id, a.id + 1
FROM tableA a
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tableA a2 WHERE a2.id = a.id + 1);

A self-join seems like overkill for whatever you really want to accomplish. It might be the right solution, but there are alternatives.


You can use a cte.

with a as (select * from tableA)
, b as (select * from tableA)
select a.id, b.id 
from a join b on a.id = b.id+1

Or it could be done with a self-join.

select a.id, b.id 
from tableA a join tableB b
on a.id = b.id+1

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