I created my payment module. During module's instalation i'm creating new table ps_mymodule_card with id, customer_id and card_number fields.

In register page I added new text input (card_nubmer) in account register page using hookCreateAccountForm() in module. It displays proper but how to get customer id in function hookCreateAccount($params) inside my payment module? I want to add own post data to database during (or just after) user register .

1 Answer 1



public function hookCreateAccountForm()
        return '<!--new field in form-->'
        . '<div class="form-group">'
            . '<label for="card_number">'
                . 'Card number:'
            . '</label>'
            . '<input class="form-control" id="card_number" type="text" name="card_number">'
            . '</div>'
            . '<!--new field in form-->';

    public function hookCreateAccount($params)
            [here put some validation of data]

            $cadrNumber = $params['_POST']['card_number'];
            $customer = $params['newCustomer'];

            $db = Db::getInstance();
            $query = 'INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'mymodule_card`
                    (`customer_id`, `card_number`)
                    ("'.intval($customer->id).'", "'.  intval($cadrNumber).'")';

function below is calling of course during module instalation!

private function _createMymoduleCardTbl()
        $db = Db::getInstance();
        $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `"._DB_PREFIX_."mymodule_card` (
                                `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
                                `customer_id` INT NOT NULL ,
                                `card_number` TEXT NOT NULL
                                ) ENGINE = MYISAM ";


        return TRUE;

do not forget about hooks registering in install method!!


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