I'm trying to inline preconfguration data into a dynamically generated script bundled using browserify.

To do so I generate a "module" string like:

const moduleString = `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(configurationData)};`;

Now I'd like to pass this to browserify.add. First option would be to write the string to a file, generate the bundle and delete the temp file. This works, but feels tedious.

So I thought of pushing the data to a read stream:

var dataModuleStream = new stream.Readable();

and then pass this to the .add call:

b.add(dataModuleStream, {expose: 'config'});

This also works and inlines the correct data as a module named config into the bundle, yet when I try to require that module from my application script:

var config = require('config');

browserify fails with the error message:

Cannot find module 'config' from '/foo/bar/baz'

which won't happen when I use the temp file approach. When using the stream and I omit the require call the file will get built, including a module named config.

Will my approach even work? Am I doing something wrong?

  • Any resolution or progress on this issue @m90?
    – Shawn
    Mar 30, 2016 at 19:48
  • Unfortunately not, no. We are using a temp file approach now. I never got it to work.
    – m90
    Mar 30, 2016 at 19:55
  • I was able to use a stream by passing it browserify instead of browserify.add : gist.github.com/shawninder/24ff053c202aa50379007ab2603ca453 Hope this is useful
    – Shawn
    Mar 31, 2016 at 16:23


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